The Casio VL-TONE VL-1 is a unique and iconic musical instrument, originally released in 1981. It combines a keyboard synthesizer with a basic calculator, making it both a musical instrument and a quirky electronic device. Here’s a quick rundown of its features:
Key Features:
- Miniature Keyboard: 29 small keys (2.5 octaves), monophonic (plays one note at a time)
- Sounds: 5 built-in sounds (Piano, Fantasy, Violin, Flute, Guitar)
- Rhythms: 10 preset rhythm patterns (including Rock, March, Samba, and others)
- Synthesizer: Basic synthesizer with programmable ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release) envelope
- Calculator: Basic calculator functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
- Display: Small LCD screen for both calculator functions and displaying notes played
- Portability: Powered by 4 AA batteries or an external power adapter
Classic Status:
The Casio VL-TONE VL-1 gained popularity for its unique sound and compact size. It's been used by a variety of musicians in genres like electronic music and has a bit of a cult following due to its vintage charm.